Oh, isn't that a happy little question? When we have a recurring decimal like 0.34, we can represent it as a fraction by using a little math magic. By understanding that 0.34 recurring means 0.343434..., we can express it as 34/99 in its simplest form. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all we need is a little patience and understanding to see the beauty in numbers.
To convert 0.34 recurring to a fraction, we can represent it as x = 0.343434... and subtract the non-recurring part from the recurring part, which is 100x = 34.343434... - 0.343434... = 34. Subtracting x from 100x gives 99x = 34, so x = 34/99. Therefore, 0.34 recurring as a fraction in its simplest form is 34/99.
ninety-six thousand, thirty-four.
0.034 > 0.027 Method to test. Makes sure the number of decimal digits is the same, in this case three places for both values. Next drop the units 'zero' and the decimal point; hence 034 and 027 Next drop the prefix zero. Hence 34 & 27 It follows that 34 > 27 Hence 0.034 > 0.027
It is 395 054 300.
288 000, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066 x 6 Unless you mean all numbers in the string must be unique, excluding numbers like 000 and 001, then it's 180 or 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 021, 023, 024, 025, 026, 031, 032, 034, 035, 036, 041, 042, 043, 045, 046, 051, 052, 053, 054, 056, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065 x 6
'pi' is an IRRATIONAL number. Casually this means the decimals go to infinity, and the digits are not in any regular order. Modern pocket calculators will give 'pi' to nine decimal places. Hence pi ~ 3.141592654.... For school work pi = 3.14 or 3.1416 For find engineering pi = 3.1416 (That is to 'ten thousands of a unit'. 'Supa Dupa' computers have calculated 'pi' to 50 billions places and still going.
034 is an integer, not a fraction and it makes little sense to convert it to a fraction. However, if you must, it is simply 034/1 = 34/1.
034 is less than 75.
The difference is in the motor size.The 034AV is 56.5cc (cubic centimeters) and the 034 Super is 61.5 cc (cubic centimeters). The 034 Super has a slightly larger motor, and therefore it presumably also has greater speed and power.
The telephone country code for Ghana is +233. The area code for Nkawkaw is 034, or +233 34 in international format. The local number is always 7 digits. Almost all telephone numbers in Ghana changed in 2010. An old Nkawkaw number of the form (0842) XXXXX changed to (034) 31X-XXXX.
The telephone country code for Ghana is +233. The area code for Donkorkrom is 034, or +233 34 in international format. The local number is always 7 digits. Almost all telephone numbers in Ghana changed in 2010. An old Donkorkrom number of the form (0848) XXXXX changed to (034) 24X-XXXX.
The telephone country code for Ghana is +233. The area code for Suhum is 034, or +233 34 in international format. The local number is always 7 digits. Almost all telephone numbers in Ghana changed in 2010. An old Suhum number of the form (0858) XXXXX changed to (034) 25X-XXXX.
The telephone country code for Ghana is +233. The area code for Akosombo is 034, or +233 34 in international format. The local number is always 7 digits. Almost all telephone numbers in Ghana changed in 2010. An old Akosombo number of the form (0251) XXXXX changed to (034) 30X-XXXX.
The telephone country code for Ghana is +233. The area code for Mpraeso is 034, or +233 34 in international format. The local number is always 7 digits. Almost all telephone numbers in Ghana changed in 2010. An old Mpraeso number of the form (0846) XXXXX changed to (034) 23X-XXXX.
Yes.0.34 > 0.25