This cannot be "A Thousand and One Arabian Nights" since this number is "ten thousand and one."
10001 = 73 x 137
Binary of 17 is 10001. 1710 = 10001 2 1810 = 100102
use whitespace and increase 0 By n+2..consider n=1 first and then follow the process with two loops.. for thecolumnand row.
10001 = 73 x 137
Binary of 17 is 10001. 1710 = 10001 2 1810 = 100102
If 10001 = 19, it is in an irregular non-integral base. (In binary, 10001 = 17, 10011=19, and 10100 = 20.)
10001 + 567 - 900 = 9668
echo "1 101 1010 10001";
The number 10001 is "ten thousand one" (also ten thousand and one).
20002 and 0.5, or 10001 and 1 or 5000.5 and 2 etc
use whitespace and increase 0 By n+2..consider n=1 first and then follow the process with two loops.. for thecolumnand row.