To convert 15.95 to a fraction, we first note that the whole number part is 15. The decimal part, 0.95, can be written as 95/100 (since there are two decimal places). Combining the whole number and decimal parts, we get the fraction 15 95/100. This can be simplified to 15 19/20 as a mixed fraction.
1.625 = 1625/1000= 13/8 = 15/8
A mixed fraction is another way of writing fractions. Mixed fractions include a whole number and a fraction. For example, 2-1/2 is a mixed fraction. But it's equivalent value 5/2 is not a mixed fraction but an improper fraction.
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
To express 15 as a mixed fraction, we divide 15 by the whole number it can be divided by evenly, which is 1. This gives us 15 divided by 1, which equals 15. Therefore, 15 as a mixed fraction is 15 0/1.
15/7 is an improper fraction. It can be re-written as the mixed number: (2 and 1/7)
To convert 15.95 to a fraction, we first note that the whole number part is 15. The decimal part, 0.95, can be written as 95/100 (since there are two decimal places). Combining the whole number and decimal parts, we get the fraction 15 95/100. This can be simplified to 15 19/20 as a mixed fraction.
15 18/100
If you write it as 15 2/3, that is a mixed fraction.
Three and seven fifteenths (3 & 7/15)
15/2 = 71/2, but as a top heavy fraction and not a mixed number, it is as simple as you can get it.
15.16 = 15 + 0.16 = 15 16/100 = 15 4/25