312211 13112221
The next number in this sequence is 13112221.
Is the fourth term correct? Should it not be 111221? Then the next term would be 13112221
Next in sequence is 13112221.This series describes each number that came before it:1 [One]11 [One One]21 [Two One(s)]1211 [One Two and One One(s)]111221 [One One, One Two, and Two One(s)]312211 [Three One(s), Two Two(s), and One One]The next number in the series is:13112221 [One Three, One One, Two Two(s), Two One(s)]
312211 13112221
1(one 1) 11(two ones) 21(one two and 1 1 ) and so on so 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 1113213211
The next number in this sequence is 13112221.
Is the fourth term correct? Should it not be 111221? Then the next term would be 13112221
The last number consists of one 3 followed by one 1 followed by two 2s followed by two 1s Stringing all these numbers together gives 13112221
Next in sequence is 13112221.This series describes each number that came before it:1 [One]11 [One One]21 [Two One(s)]1211 [One Two and One One(s)]111221 [One One, One Two, and Two One(s)]312211 [Three One(s), Two Two(s), and One One]The next number in the series is:13112221 [One Three, One One, Two Two(s), Two One(s)]
in start there is one 1 so = 11 11 have 2 one's so = 21 1211 have 1 one 1 two and 2 one's so the next is = 111221 and so on. and your answer is 3113112211121312211312113211
13211221 111312212211 31131211131221 13211311123113112211 11121221133112132113212221 3112112221232112111312211312113211 1321122132111213122112311311222113111221131221 31131122112231131112132112311321322112111312211312111322212311322113212221