To find the product of two fractions, multiply together the top numbers (numerators), and put this answer on the top line, and multiply together the bottom numbers (denominators), and put this answer on the bottom line.
In this instance, 1/2 x 1/3 = 1x1/2x3 = 1/6, or one sixth.
one over three
1/4 times 2 is 1/2
3.2Improved Answer:-It is: 2/5 times 1/8 = 1/20 in its simplest form
5/3 x 4/5 x 3/2 = 60/30 = 2
If I am understanding your question correctly, the answer would be 10. One-fifth goes into 1 five times (five fifths equals one), and into 2 ten times.
one over three
1/30 (one over 30)
2 because one third times 6 is one over three times six over one.
2/3 × 1/5 = 2/15
148 and 1/2
1/2*1/5 = 1/10
To find the answer start by multiplying: 2 times 2 = 4. Now we have 4 over 3. Three goes into four once with a remainder of one. So the answer is 1 1/3 (One and one third)
(1/30)*60 = 2
1/6 * 2/7 = 2/42 = 1/21 in simplest form
2 goes into 7 3 times with one left over so you put 3 and 1 over 2
1/4 times 2 is 1/2
One quarter cup (1/4)