one hundredth of a foot.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math now? Okay, okay. So, a 2 percent slope is like 2 inches of rise per 100 inches of run. And since there are 12 inches in a foot, you just divide 100 by 12 to get around 8.3 feet per foot on a 2 percent slope. Math is fun, right?
it comes in several weights per foot but most common is 5.4#/ft.
3 feet per yard
It depends on what the 4x4 is made of.
one hundredth of a foot.
1 percent of a foot is 0,3048 cm.
2% grade is equal to 1/4" per foot or 1:50(metric)If you know the length and the grade and need the total fall:TF=l x g:. TF = 50' x 1/4"per foot (or 0.25)TF = 12.5" or 12'-6"To find the grade:g = TF / lTo find the length:l = TF / g
The cost of gutters per foot varies from $3-25 per foot.
how much does concrete cost per square foot
Not enough information to answer this question! anyway, It's usually not priced by the sq ft, but by the lineal ft. In Nevada for the 3 or four inch paint grade base the piece price was about 6 to 10 cents per foot. for stain grade base the price varies widely depending on the height, type of o.s. corners and many other factors. The price can vary from 6 cents per foot to well over a buck a foot.
about 25 bucks per foot .
0.0988 per foot
hoiw much does winn dixie pay per square foot
2% (1/4" per foot) unless first approved by your plumbing inspector. If there is a lack of grade to allow for the fall you may be allowed to upsize the drain to 6" and run it at 1% (1/8" per foot)
1/8th of an inch per foot
'bout 7 swags per square foot