area 51
It is: 2.875 times 40 = 115
It is 37. It is 37. It is 37. It is 37.
Base = 115 Percentage = 46 Rate = 40% or 0.4 Base = Percentage/Rate = 46/40% = 46/0.4 = 115
Closer to 40. 37 is 3 away from 40 37 is 7 away from 30 3 is smaller than 7, so it's closer to 40.
area 51
37°14′06″N 115°48′40″W
R-4808N 37 14 06 115 48 40
united states
Area 51 is centered at 37.2° N latitude and 115.8° W longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Groom Lake, Nevada are approximately 37.2475° N, 115.8067° W.
It is: 2.875 times 40 = 115
The prime numbers between 14 and 40 are 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, and 37. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. These prime numbers have no factors other than 1 and themselves, making them indivisible.
Subtracting 40 percent from 115 dollars gives 115 x (1 - 40/100) = 115 x 0.6 = 69 dollars.
They are: 17 19 23 29 31 37.
.35x+.40*14=0.37(x+14) .35x=.37x-5.6+5.18 .35x=.37x-.42 -.02x=.42 x=21 check 21*.35+14*.4=7.35+5.6=12.95 12.95/(14+21)=.37 so you would need 21 ounces of 0.35 mixed in with 14 ounces of 40 % to get a 37% solution of which you would have 35 ounces
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem we have here! To find out what number we're looking for, we can set up a simple equation. Let's say the number we're trying to find is x. We can write the equation as 1.15x = 46. By dividing 46 by 1.15, we find that the number we're looking for is 40.