Each megabyte (MB) is 1024 kilobytes (KB). Therefore, 42 KB is just under 4% of a MB.
There are exactly 4194304 kb in 4 gb. There are approximately 1,000,000 kb in a gb. There are 1024 bytes in a kb, 1024 kb in a MB, and 1024MB in a GB
No, 1000 KB is not equal to 1 GB. In data storage, 1 kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1024 bytes, 1 megabyte (MB) is equal to 1024 KB, and 1 gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1024 MB. Therefore, 1000 KB is actually equal to 0.9765625 MB, which is not the same as 1 GB.
There is no such unit as "Kbps". This, as opposed to "kbps" or "kBps". Please ask your service provider to hire educated professionals and not hacks.The calculation below is completely amateur and suspect, primarily due to its being based on unsubstantiated terminology and failing to validate assumptions (i.e. skipping steps)...1 Kb = 1000 bit128 Kb = 128000 bit/s128000 bit = 16000 byte16000 byte = 15.625 kB (kilobyte)/s15.625 kB = 0.0152587890625 MB (megabyte)/s0.91552734375 MB / minute (with some overhead, stopbits etc... this will be about 1 MB / minute)54.931640625 MB / hour1318.359375 MB / day+/- 39550.78125 MB / month = 38.623809814453125 GB / month
Kigabyte is a misspelling of gigabyte, and a kigabyte is what some people think a kilobyte is (see question: "What is a kigabyte"). Because you said how many kigabyte are in a migabyte (a misspelling of megabyte), I think the question you are asking is how many kilobytes are in a megabyte. The answer to that is below. 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte (1024 kb = 1 mb)
In the context of data storage, 5-8 megabytes (MB) is equivalent to 1 kilobyte (KB). This conversion is based on the fact that there are 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, due to the binary nature of digital storage systems. Therefore, when referring to data sizes, a kilobyte is a smaller unit than a megabyte, with 1 KB being equal to 1024 bytes and 1 MB being equal to 1024 KB.
204.8 KB equals 0.2 MB.
1024 KB = 1 MB
1024 KB = 1 MB
92,160 KB equals 90 MB.
862 KB equals 0.8418 MB (rounded).
122352 KB is eggsactly 119.48438 MB.
40440 KB equals approximately 39.49 MB
255.42969 MB equals 261560 KB
45 MB equals 46,080 KB
0.0094140625 MB.
0.144 Megabytes.
36 KB equals 0.0352 MB (rounded from 0.03515625).