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It can be done via its address, for example:

void function (void (*callback)(void))




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Q: A c program to call a function without using function name?
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What is the use of function in c?

using function we can call the function in the program any where. by using functions we can reduce the code redundancy

How a program in c that will add 2 numbers without using any operator?

Not possible. Let's not forget than in C the followings are all operators:+, -+=, -=++, --=&, *, []function-call

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Where is the fuction call of main function?

The main function is the entry point into a program. When the Operating System launches the program the main function gets executed.

How do you call an external function or program that is written in different programming language?

It doesn't matter what language the external program or function was written in since all executables must be converted to machine code. To execute an external function, that function must reside in a library to which your program is linked and you must know the prototype of the function you intend to call. This is usually found in the library header file which can simply be included in your program. You can then call the external function just as you would an internal function. To execute a specific function in another program, however, you must use the command line interface for that program.

How you write a c program for making a call in gcc?

int main() { // Call the printf function printf("This is a function call!\n"); return 0; }

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The far procedure is used at the place where the function call is given in main program and function definition is given in sub program....

What is dfference between synchronization and asynchronization?

I believe you mean synchronous and asynchronous... as in calling a function synchronously or asynchronously. When you call a function synchronously, the program waits for the function to finish before continuing on... i = i + 1 DoSomething() j = j + 1 <---- j wouldn't be changed until DoSomething finished When you call a function asynchronously, the program spawns another thread to run the function and continues on without waiting for the function to finish... Thread t i = i + 1 t.Start ( DoSomething ) j = j + 1 <---- j be changed just after DoSomething started

How do you write a program that will call a function to multiply 4 numbers and return the answer to main program?

In Windows, use notepad.exe; in linux, use program xedit.

Can you swap two numbers by call by reference outside the function?

The using of term 'call-by-reference' implies function-call, so please rethink your question...

Advantages of using C function?

* Debugging is easier * It is easier to understand the logic involved in the program * Testing is easier * Recursive call is possible * Irrelevant details in the user point of view are hidden in functions * Functions are helpful in generalizing the program