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A 3-Dimensional box's volume will double for each dimension that is doubled. i.e. if just the height, length or depth are doubled, the volume increases 200%, if 2 of those dimensions are doubled the volume increases by 400%. if all 3 are double the volume increases by 800%.

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Q: A cardboard box has a length of 3 feet height of 2½ feet and depth of 2 feet If the length and depth are doubled by what percent does the volume of the box change?
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A cardboard box has a length of 3 feet height of 2 feet and depth of 2 feet If the length and depth are doubled by what percent does the volume of the box change?

300% The volume of the original box is ?. The volume of the box with the length and depth doubled is ?. The amount of change in volume is 60 - 15 = 45. The percent change is the amount of change in volume divided by the original volume:

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A cardboard box has a length of 3 feet and a height of 2 feet and depth of 2 feet If the length and depth are doubled by what percent does the volume of the box change?

A box of those dimensions would have a volume of 3 x 2 x 2 or 12 cubic feet. If the length is doubled to 6 feet, the depth is doubled to 4 feet and the height remains the same at 2 feet, the volume would then be: 6 x 4 x 2 or 48 cubic feet. The percent change of the increase would be the difference in the volumes, divided by the original volume, multiplied by 100. In this example, the percent increase is 36/12 times 100 or 300%.

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If the base stays the same, the area is also doubled.

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The height of a cone is doubled does this double the surface area?

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As area_of_parallelogram = base x height if they are both doubled then: new_area = (2 x base) x (2 x height) = 4 x (base x height) = 4 x area_of_parallelogram Thus, if the base and height of a parallelogram are [both] doubled, the area is quadrupled.

If the base and height of a triangle are doubled how is its area changed?

The area is multiplied by 4, not doubled.

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The tree took 19 years to reach half its maximum height. Since it doubled in height each year, it was half of its maximum height in the year prior to reaching its full height.

What happens to the area of a triangle when the base is doubled and the height remains the same?

The area gets doubled.