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You are supposed to divide the dolphin's speed by the human's speed.

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Q: A dolphin can swim at a speed of about 37miles per hour. Human swimmer can reach a speed of about 5.2 miles per hour. About how many times faster than humans are dolphins?
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What dolphin is the faster?

I think it is a dolphin. Dolphins are known to go 25 miles an hour.

What is a dolphins usual speed?

The average speed of a dolphin is 40 km/hr. Certain species of dolphin may swim faster or slower. There are about 40 species of dolphins in the world.

How does the dolphin's flanks help the dolphin?

the dolphins fins helps a dolphin by making it move faster and also protecting them. They are a adorable creatures and also can listen to humans there the BESTTT

Is a sordfish faster than a dolphin?

There are some species of sharks that can swim faster than dolphins (some sharks eat dolphins) but there are on the other fin, species of shark that dolphins are faster than. Mako sharks for instance, do swim at bursts of speed of 50 miles per hour making makos the fastest animals in the ocean. On average speed wise, between dolphins and sharks 50/50. Hope this answers the question.

What is the difference between dolphin years and human years?

Dolppin years seem much faster to dolphins. dolphin years are fast kind of. one year to us humans, equals like 4 or 3 years to dolphins

Is the elephant the fastest swimmer?

Absolutely not. Considering it was not made to swim, you can imagine that an animal that was born to swim, such as a dolphin, is much faster. In the water, hydrodynamics have a LOT to do with how fast an animal is. Which would travel faster, a big ball like an elephant, or a dart, like a dolphin? Assuming their general nature and hydrodynamics come into play, an elephant is far from being the fastest swimmer.

If two swimmers compete in a race does the faster swimmer develop more power?

The faster swimmer doesn't develop more power, it already has more power. This makes it the faster swimmer.

Who is fastest dolphin or blue whale?

I think that dolphins are probably faster than blue whales because dolphins are smaller than whales. Blue whales are MASSIVE and HUGE and they take a really slow time to get from one place to another. Dolphins are much smaller than blue whales, therefore, they're probably faster.

Is a cheetah faster than a dolphin?

I don't think that you would be able to compare these animals are the cheetah is the fastest ground animal, whereas the pelican can fly away if it knows the cheetah is near.

Who is a faster swimmer you or Michael Phelps?

Michael phelphs

Why does being streamlined help a dolphin?

No, dolphins are mammals and mammals do not have scales. Reptiles are streamlined animals Yes. They are fast swimmers, and their torpedo shaped bodies allow them to manuever swiftly through the water.