Strictly speaking, the only geometric item that has neither length nor width is a "point", but as such, it is not considered a "figure". A geometric figure is defined as a "set of points". I suppose a point could be thought of as a set containing only one element, but that rather contradicts the intention of the definition where it refers to points in the plural.As Euclid defined it: A figure is that which is contained by any boundary or boundaries.
Length x width x height equals volume.* * * * *But only if the object in question is a cuboid (rectangular prism). Length*Width*Height for a sphere, for example, does not equal its volume.
You have provided the length and width of the boards but only the width (height) of whatever you wish to board. there is no information on its length and consequently, the question cannot be answered.
Three dimensional shapes are shapes with height, width, and depth. In contrast, two dimensional shapes only have height and width, or length and width.
No. It has NO length, NO width, NO height. Only a position.No. It has NO length, NO width, NO height. Only a position.No. It has NO length, NO width, NO height. Only a position.No. It has NO length, NO width, NO height. Only a position.
Polygons are 2-dimensional so that they only have length and breadth. Solid figures are three dimensional so they have length, breadth and height.
A sphere
The answer depends on what information you have been provided with. If you have only the linear dimensions then it is: Length * Breadth * Height * Density.
Describing a geometric solid with only two dimensions may not provide a complete representation of its shape and structure. A geometric solid is best described in three dimensions to convey its full volume, surface area, and shape.
Points have no dimensions, whatsoever. They are just DOT points.
the height is the same as the length and width
Volume = Length * Height * Width That equation can be rearranged to: Width = Volume/(Length * Height) This answer will only work for a cuboid (or a cube) and not any other 3d shape.
a sphere
A three dimensional shape is where you have height, width, and length where as in a two dimensional shape you only have height and length