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Q: A location in space that has no thickness?
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What is A location in space that has no thickness?

A location in space that has no thickness:point.

What line is a location on a flat space?

A line is a location on a flat space that extends infinitely in both directions. It has no width or thickness and can be represented by a series of points connected together.

What is the lateral location of the plate if it has a thickness of 1 mm?

The total space etween stationary boundry is 1cm .Ethylen glycol is laced on the left side and propylene glycol is placed on the right . When the infinite plate that seartae the liquids is pulled upward,it finds an equilirium position. Determine the lateral location of the plate if it has a thickness of 1mm.

Has length no dimension no thickness?

Length IS a dimension (in space). It has no thickness.

What is the approximate thickness of the ice at location A?

2250 m

Thickness the amount of something in a given space?


How thick in km is the lithospheric plate?

The thickness of the lithospheric plate can vary, but on average it ranges from 100 to 250 kilometers in thickness. The thickness can change depending on factors such as tectonic activity and location.

What is a fixed location in a space?

A fixed location in a space is called a fixed star.

What has infinite length but has no width and thickness?

A line fits this description.

What is a geometric figure that has no length width or thickness and occupies no space?

a point

What is a fixed location in a space called?

A fixed location in a space is called a fixed star.

What is location of Saturn?

in space