Not always because it could be less than 0 as for example -3 because an integer is a whole number without decimals or fractions
It depends on what you mean by a number. If n is a positive integer (except for 1), then n^2 is greater than n. If n = 0 or 1, then n and n^2 are equal. If n = 1/2, then n is greater than its square. If n is negative, then n is always less than its square.
A rectangular number is any number greater than or equal to 2, that is the product of an positive integer n multiplied by the integer that comes before it. So 2x1 for example or 5x4 or 10x111. If you look at the number 93120301=n(n+1), this number is rectangular if n^2+n-93120301=0 has a solution that is a positive integer. There is no integer solution so that number is not rectangular. How about 93? n^2+n-93=0 also has no solution in the natural numbers.
A composite number is a positive integer which has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words, if 0 < n is an integer and there are integers 1 < a, b < n such that n = a × b then n is composite. By definition, every integer greater than one is either a prime number or a composite number. The number one is a unit - it is neither prime nor composite. For example, the integer 14 is a composite number because it can be factored as 2 × 7.
Take any integer, n, greater than 1.Then 16*n/(20*n) will be an equivalent fraction.
It depends on what you mean by a number. If n is a positive integer (except for 1), then n^2 is greater than n. If n = 0 or 1, then n and n^2 are equal. If n = 1/2, then n is greater than its square. If n is negative, then n is always less than its square.
For simplicity I will assume you're working in base x, for any integer x greater than 1, although the argument extends to integers greater than 1 in absolute value (note that in base -1,1 all decimal numbers are in fact integers and that in base 0 decimals are not very well defined). In base x, x can of course be conveniently denoted as 10, so in the remainder of this answer I will work in base x. It is sufficient to show that there exists a decimal number that is not an integer so take 0.1 or 10^-1. This number has the property that 10*0.1 = 1, it is the multiplicative inverse of 10. I will now prove by induction that no positive integer has this property. Base case: 1*10 = 10 which is greater than 1 by assumption. Suppose n*10 is greater than 1, then (n+1)*10 = n*10+1*10 = n*10 + 10 which is still greater than 1. So we now know that n*10 is always greater than 1 for any n greater than 0, from which it can be deduced that for these n, n*10 is also unequal to -1. Therefore, for no integer n unequal to zero can n*10 be 1. Now assume n=0, then n*10 = 0*10 = 0 which is not equal to 1 either. Thus, no integer n has the property n*10=1, whereas the decimal number 0.1 does. So 0.1 is not an integer and therefore the decimal numbers are not integers.
A rectangular number is any number greater than or equal to 2, that is the product of an positive integer n multiplied by the integer that comes before it. So 2x1 for example or 5x4 or 10x111. If you look at the number 93120301=n(n+1), this number is rectangular if n^2+n-93120301=0 has a solution that is a positive integer. There is no integer solution so that number is not rectangular. How about 93? n^2+n-93=0 also has no solution in the natural numbers.
A composite number is a positive integer which has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words, if 0 < n is an integer and there are integers 1 < a, b < n such that n = a × b then n is composite. By definition, every integer greater than one is either a prime number or a composite number. The number one is a unit - it is neither prime nor composite. For example, the integer 14 is a composite number because it can be factored as 2 × 7.
Infinitely many. For each integer n (greater than 2), there is a polygon with n sides or n vertices.
The sum of any integer ( n ) and zero is ( n ).
101 is a whole number and so it makes hardly any sense to rename it as a mixed number, but, if you were really keen to do it, you could write it as 101 0/n, where n is any integer greater than 0.
Fermat's last theorem states that the equation xn + yn = zn has no integer solutions for x, y and z when the integer n is greater than 2. When n=2, we obtain the Pythagoras theorem.
Pick any integer n, greater than 1. Then (n*13)/(n*14) is an equivalent fraction.
Take any integer, n, greater than 1.Then 16*n/(20*n) will be an equivalent fraction.
Take any integer, n, greater than 1.Then (2*n)/(7*n) will be an equivalent fraction.