1. Steve has overdrawn his checking account by $350. His bank charged him $150 for an overdraft fee. Then he quickly deposited $125. What is his current balance?
A negative word.
mostly positive but you can use it in negative ways.
This is a negative connotation.
No, it's a math and algebra word .It means a whole number, positive or negative. No fractions .
yes integer= all whole numbers positive and negative.
Here are a few: An integer is a counting number, or a whole number. If you have a negative counting number, zero, or a positive counting number, you have an integer, and any integer will be a member of one of those three sets of numbers. Zero is the only integer that is neither positive or negative. Each integer (except zero) has a compliment with an opposite sign.
A negative word.
is energetic a positive or negative word
No is negative yes is positive
mostly positive but you can use it in negative ways.
It depends. No matter what, you subtract the two quantities. If the absolute value of the positive integer is greater than the absolute value of the negative integer, your answer is positive. If the absolute value of the negative integer is greater than the absolute value of the positive integer, your answer is negative.For example:-32+11 is -21, because the absolute value of -32 is greater than the absolute value of 11, and 32 is negative.-11+32 is 21, because the absolute value of 32 is greater than the absolute value of 11, and 32 is positive.If this is all confusing, I like to remember a song my seventh grade math teacher taught the class to the tune of "row row row your boat:"same sign add and keepdifferent sign subtractkeep the sign of the larger numberthen you'll be exact!"(the word "sign" refers to negative or positive)
is stringy a positive or negative word
Z is the symbol for integer. It is the initial letter of Zahlen, the German word meaning "number"
Negative: Accuse Positive: Justify