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Q: A negative number raised to an even power will be positive or negative?
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What is the result of a negative number raised to the 54th power?

When a negative number is raised to an even power the result is a positive number

What is a rule for raising a negative number to a power?

It is the positive form of the number raised to that power, multpilied by -1 raised to that power.

When a negative number is raised to an even power the result is a positive number?


Is it true if a negative number is raised to the 18th power the answer will be negative?

No. Negative numbers to even powers are positive.

Is a negative to a negative power positive?

No, or more accurately "not necessarily".A negative to any even power is positive. -2, -4, -6 etc. are even, so a negative number raised to any of those powers will be positive.However, a negative number raised to an odd negative power (-1, -3, -5 etc.) will be negative.

Why is any number raised to a even power positive?

A positive number times a positive number is always positive. A negative number times a negative number is always positive. Therefore, any square number will be positive. Any number to the fourth power (a square times a square) will always be positive. And so on.

Is -1 raised to the power of 100 negative or positive?

The answer is negative (-1 raised to the power of 100 = -1)

Can a negative number be raised to an odd power?

yes, but the answer will remain negative. for example, (-2)3 is -8 in order to make a negative number positive, it must be raised to an even power, for example (-2)2 = 4

What pattern do you discover when solving even-numbered exponents with negative bases?

Any number, positive or negative, raised to an even-numbered power, returns a positive number.

Why doesnt the function y ex ever cross the x-axis?

no number can be raised to a power and equal 0 (x^y can never = 0). e is positive (about 2.7) and any positive number can not be raised to a power and equal negative (positive number X positive number = positive number)

What is negative 1 to the power of twenty?

-120= 1 because 1.) any negative number raised to an even power will result in a positive numberand 2.) 1 raised to any power is 1.

Log -3 equals?

There is no answer - it is an error: negative numbers do not have logarithms. The log if a number tells to what power the (positive) base must be raised to get the number. Raising any positive number to any power will never result in a negative number, so it is an error to try and take the log of a negative number.