The price of a technology stock was yesterday. Today, the price fell to . Find the percentage decrease. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth
It is 2.1 to the nearest tenth
As a percentage 0.452 = 45.2%
30.4% increase.
percentage to the nearest tenth of a percent = 90.0% % rate: = 45/50 * 100% = 0.90 * 100% = 90.0%
15 is 23.08% of 65. Rounded to the nearest tenth, that's 0.2 .
If 13.3 is a % already, it is already rounded. If 13.3 needs to become a percentage, it would be 1330, and this is also rounded to the nearest tenth (and more)
This is an increase of 42.4%
It is: (17/22)*100 = 77.3% rounded to the nearest tenth