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Placing a question mark at the end of a phrase does not make it a sensible question. Try to use a whole sentence to describe what it is that you want answered.
As it stands, an answer to the question could be "have opposite signs".

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Q: A positive rational number and its negative pair?
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Every positive rational number and its negative pair?

Every positive rational number and its negative are the two square roots of the same positive rational number.

When a positive number is paired with a negative number?

Zero Pair

Is the product of an even number of negative numbers positive?

Yes because the product of each pair of negative numbers must be positive.

Is the product of 169 negative numbers positive or negative?

Negative. Every pair of negative numbers gives a positive multiple. Positive numbers do not affect the sign any further, so you can throw out pairs of numbers from 169. In the end, there will be just the one negative number left.

Is the product of 21 negative numbers and 23 positive numbers a positive number or a negative number?

Well, honey, buckle up because we're diving into some math! When you multiply an odd number of negative numbers, the product is negative. Since 21 is an odd number, the product of 21 negative numbers will be negative. And since 23 is an odd number as well, the product of 23 positive numbers will also be positive. So, when you multiply them together, you get a negative number. Math, ain't it a peach?

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What is the quadrant of a ordered pair that has a negative x coordinate and a positive y coordinate?

An ordered pair that has a negative x-coordinate and a positive y-coordinate (-,+) would be plotted in which quadrant?

What is the product of a rational and irrational number?

It is usually irrational but it can be rational if the ration number in the pair is zero. So the correct answer is "either".

How can you tell the difference between a rational number and an integer?

You probably don't have to inspect that pair too closely.Every integer IS a rational number.

Does a negative and positive equal a negative?

If you have a negative and a positive, then all you have is a negative and a positive. If you want to talk about performing some arithmetic operation on a pair of numbers where each number has one of those signs, we can certainly discuss that. But you'll need to be much more clear in your question. A great start would be to specify which arithmetic operation you're interested in, and we can go from there.

When comparing a positive number with a negative number which is the greater number?

The positive number is always greater. However, the modulus of a negative number may be greater. Here is the number line. -infinity,.... -5,-4,-3,-2,-1, 0,+1,+2,+3,+4,+5 .... + infinity. So reading the number line, +2 > -4 . However, the modulus of '-4' is greater than the modulus of +2. . It is written as |-4| > |+2|, that is the number four is greater than the number two. Note the pair of vertical lines. NB I have put in the positive (+) sign to compare against the negative (-), however, a number that does not show a sign is read as positive(+).

What does a positive number multiplied by a negative number equal?

A negative times a positive equals a negative. For example 2 x -16=-32 A negative times a negative equals a positive For example -2 x -16=32 A positive times a positive equals a positive For example 2 x 16=32 Remember that this rule only applies to multiplication and it doesn't matter if the smaller number has the negative sign or the bigger number has the negative sign; It will still be a negative. Also remember that it doesn't matter whether its a negative times a positive or a positive times a negative ; It remains a negative regardless of the order of the signs. Lastly remember that a negative times a negative will always be a positive and a positive times a positive will always be a positive. For example -2 x 105=-210 105 x -2=-210 2 x -105=-210 -105 x 2=-210 105 x 2 =210 -105 x -2 =210 So this means that a negative times a positive will always equal a negative, a negative times a negative will always equal a positive, and a positive times a positive will always equal a positive. Now if you were dealing with more than two numbers with both negative and positive signs, the easiest way to know whether the answer will come up as a negative or positive is to imagine two negative signs merging into a positive sign and any remaining negative sign that does have another negative sign to pair with remains a negative;You can only combine negative signs in pairs(for example -2 x -2 x -2=4 x -2=-8).Now if you have a situation where you were able to pair up all of the negative signs into positives signs and have no negative signs left over, then the answer will be a positive (for example -2 x -2 x -2 x -2 x 2=16 x 2=32).