1 fl oz ≈ 29.57 mL while 1 quart ≈ 946.4 mL
750mL is about 0.7925 US quart.
one quart = 946.35295 milliliters
One quart is equal to 946.4 milliliters. One quart is also equal to 2 pints, 4 cups, or 0.25 gallons.
One US quart is equal to 946.353 milliliters. For many practical purposes, a rule of thumb that is often used is 1 quart is equal to 1 liter.
One US quart is 946 mL
There are 946.353 mL in one quart.
One US quart = 946.35295 ml One UK quart = 1136.5225 ml
1 US quart is 946 ml.
1 US quart = about 946.35 mL.
there are 946.352946 mL in one quart, so there are 473.176473 mL in half a quart
946.5588641 ml = 1 quart 946.5588641 ml = 1 quart
946.35 ml
There are approximately 473 milliliters in half a quart.
One US quart is 946.35mL
A liter holds 1000 ml. A quart holds 946.352946 ml. So, a liter holds (1000-946.352946) ml more than a quart, or 53.647054 ml more.
1892.7 ml 1 quart = 946.35 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.001 quart