One quart is equal to 946.4 milliliters. One quart is also equal to 2 pints, 4 cups, or 0.25 gallons.
one quart = 946.35295 milliliters
1 US quart is 946.353mL
1 fl oz ≈ 29.57 mL while 1 quart ≈ 946.4 mL
Millimeter is a metric measure of length and distance. Quart is a volume measure of American cooking units. Metric can be converted to American measurements, but a length can never equal a volume.
1 quart is equal to approximately 946.35 milliliters. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 quart is equivalent to 32 fluid ounces, and 1 fluid ounce is equal to approximately 29.57 milliliters. Therefore, to convert quarts to milliliters, you would multiply the number of quarts by 946.35.
946.35 ml
One quart is equal to 946.4 milliliters. One quart is also equal to 2 pints, 4 cups, or 0.25 gallons.
There are 946.353 mL in one quart.
One US quart is 946 mL
One US quart = 946.35295 ml One UK quart = 1136.5225 ml
1892.7 ml 1 quart = 946.35 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.001 quart
No 1 quart = 946.35 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.001 quart
No 1 quart = 946.35 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.001 quart
there are 946.352946 mL in one quart, so there are 473.176473 mL in half a quart
There are two pints in a quart. 1/2 quart equals one pint. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 American pint is equal to 473,176 473 mL. 1 American quart is equal to 946,352 946 mL.
1 milliliter is equal to 0.00000105668821 quarts.