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It can take only a finite number of values. These need not be integer values.

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Q: A random variable is said to be discrete if?
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Is the gender of college students a discrete random variable a continuous random variable or not a random variable?

It is a discrete random variable.

What is the definititon of a discrete random variable?

The discrete random variable almost always arises in connection with counting.

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A random variable that can assume only a finite number of values is referred to as?

That would be a discrete variable; or, in your case, it would probably be called a discrete random variable.

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Discrete random variable

Is the random variable x equals 1 be stated that the random variable is discrete?

If x = 1 then X is not really a random variable but a constant.

Is the number of statistics students now reading a book discrete or continuous?

The random variable is discrete

What is meant by discrete random variable?

A discrete random variable is a variable that can only take some selected values. The values that it can take may be infinite in number (eg the counting numbers), but unlike a continuous random variable, it cannot take any value in between valid results.

What is the difference between a discrete and continuous random variable?

· A variable whose values are determined by the outcomes of a random experiment is called a random variable. A random variable is a discrete random variable if it can assume values, which are finite or countable infinite. For example, tossing of a die is a random experiment and its outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are discrete random variable. When a coin is tossed, its outcomes head and tail are discrete random variable. Three coins are thrown; the number of heads is example of discrete random variable. Note that the outcomes need ot be integers or even numbers (eg colour of eyes). · If a random variable can assume every possible value in an interval [a, b], a< b, where a and b may be - infinity and + infinity respectively, for example, the points on number line between 0 and 1; Value of 'x' between 0 and 2; Number of heads on a coin when it is tossed infinite times.

The mean or expected value of the distribution of a discrete random variable is?


What is discrete probability distribution?

It is a function that gives the probabilities associated with the discrete number of values that a random variable can take.