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It is called a variable.

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Millie Dicki

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3y ago
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Q: A symbol that is used to represent a quantity that can change?
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A symbol used to represent a quantity that can change?

A variable

What is a symbol used to represent a quantity that can change called?

It is called a variable.

What is a symbol used to represent a quantity that can be changed?


The name for the triangle symbol that means change in?

The triangle symbol that means change is called the delta symbol. It is commonly used in mathematics and science to represent a change in quantity or variable.

What do you call a symbol used to represent the unknown quantity in an equation?

x or any other variable

A symbol used to represent a quality that can change?


Symbol used to represent a quanity that can change?

a variable

A symbol that stands for an unknown quantity?

In maths the symbols x and n are usually used to represent an unknown quantity. These may be referred to as a variable.

What is the symbol used in books to represent a scene change?

An elipsis or * * * is used to present a change of scene.

What is a symbol that represents an unknown quantity?

In mathematics, a symbol that represents an unknown quantity is typically denoted by a variable, such as "x" or "y". These variables are used to represent values that are not yet known or are subject to change. They are commonly used in algebraic equations to solve for the unknown quantity based on given information or conditions.

What symbol is used in equations that means change in?

The symbol used to represent change in an equation is Δ (delta). It indicates the difference or change between two values.

What is the symbol used to represent the word which?

The symbol used to represent the word "which" is typically "?".