Some do, some don't. A regular polyhedron such as the tetrahedron has none whereas an irregular one like the parallelepiped can have several.
A trapezoid has one pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths.
Just one: a tetrahedron or triangular pyramid.
Trapezoids have only one pair of parallel sides.
rectagle ONE pair of parallel sides would be a trapezium or a trapezoid.
No. The faces of a tetrahedron are equilateral triangles, but none of the faces is parallel to another one of the faces -- they could not be parallel, since by the definition of a tetrahedron, all the faces intersect(!) and parallel planes do not intersect.
It has no parallel faces because a tetrahedron is a triangular based pyramid with 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices
Each face of a polyhedron is a polygon which has at least three straight sides; all the polygons of the polyhedron join along one of their sides to another polygon to form the edges of the polyhedron.Now consider when you have two parallel faces of a polyhedron:They do not meet (as they are parallel) and so have no side in common to form an edge of the polyhedron;There must be at least three sides to each polygon which means there must be at least three more polygons to join the two faces together (one for each side of the parallel faces);Thus there are at least 2 + 3 = 5 faces to the polyhedron, ie the polyhedron has 5 or more faces.A tetrahedron has 4 faces which is less than 5 faces.Thus two of the faces of a tetrahedron cannot be parallel.The smallest polyhedron which can have a pair of parallel faces is a pentahedron with two triangular parallel faces and three quadrilateral faces joining them (for example a tetrahedron with one corner cut off by a plane parallel to the opposite face).
yeah it does * * * * * No, it does not. It has two pairs of parallel sides. One pair of parallel sides faces in one direction and the other pair of parallel sides faces in another direction.
A cuboid is one of them.
No. it could only have one pair of parallel faces. The cross section is triangular.
Usually none, but it can have one pair.
A cylinder
A pentagonal prism.
A triangle couldn't.
The answer depend on the truncation but assuming it is by a plane parallel to the base, the truncated tetrahedron is like a triangular prism (except that one base is smaller than the other). It, therefore, has 5 faces, 6 vertices and 9 edges.