It means to have an advantage over someone - or it might mean that you invited Dave Evans from U2 to your house.
edges are the intersection of faces in a three dimentional figure:The cube has 12 edges.
If you right >THE EDGE. your gay
an edge of a polyhedron that is not a base edge
None. An edge must be straight.
prewitt filter is kind of edge detection and almost is better than many kind filter in edge detection ............. the code in matlab is: i=imread('cameraman.tif'); edge_p=edge(i,'prewitt');
Having an edge is an advantage.
One of the Advantage of synchronous detection is that it causes less distortion when compared to envelope detection. Also synchronous works well with Single sideband signals.
Edge detection generally applies to a square wave signal, such as a clock pulse or a trigger pulse. Then the edge detection comes from either using the rising voltage, or the falling voltage of the signal (usually a square wave) to trigger the next event. Using the falling voltage implies a delay in the signal and the rising pulse to trigger an immediate `step` in the circuit.
It is to have an advantage (edge) over an opponent.
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There are many species , including prewitt sobel robort
Small advantage.
In this case, edge means an advantage. This likely derives from the term edge meaning the ability to cut better.
higher sensitivity, easy signal detection, and well-established, rapid assays
what are the merits and demerits of data communication
The correct spelling is advantage (a favorable position, an edge).