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3x + 5y = 56


5p - 4x2 = 436p2 + 2345 - 34x

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Q: An algebraic expression consisting of two terms?
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What is the mathematics expression with two terms using Bi?

A binomial is an algebraic expression consisting of two terms separated by + or -.

What is an algebraic expression consisting of two terms?

Bisect :D Glad to be of help!

How algebraic expression is a difference with two terms?

An algebraic expression need not be a difference of two terms.

What would this be classified as -15xy2 plus 3?

-15xy^2 + 3 This is an algebraic expression consisting of two terms, which is called a binomial.

What is An expression of more than two algebraic terms?

It is an expression.

What is x-15y?

It is two terms of an algebraic expression in the form of: x-15y

What is the Type of algebraic expressions and give two examples?

A variable is a letter that represents a number. A n expression that contains at least one variable is called a variable expression or an algebraic expression.A variable expression has one or more terms. A term is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.An algebraic expression consisting of only one term is called a monomial (3x, xy, 2y, xyz); of two terms is called a binomial (x + y, x^2 - 1, a + 2b); of three terms is called trinomial (x + 2y - 4, 3x^2 + 2xz +3). In general, an algebraic expression consisting of two or more terms is called a polynomial

What is the real life algebraic expression?

An algebraic expression has two or more terms and does not contain an equality sign.

What algebraic expression is a difference with two terms?


What is 9x-5w?

They are two terms of an algebraic expression.

What is 3y2 -2y?

It is two terms of an algebraic expression

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