16 is not a perfect cube. It is approximatly 2.51984.
Tax is Approximatly 12% so in the end you would pay $311.99
In math, Phi, or the Golden ratio is approximatly 1.6180339887.Otherwise, Phi is how you pronounce a greek letter.
"Approximately exact" is an oxymoron. An answer can be approximate or it can be exact but it cannot be approximately exact.
more exact, most exact
approximatly 8,976
Ancient Greece is the answer Islam was founded approximatly 600 AD. Ancient Greece was at its peak at approximatly 500 BC!
approximatly 400AD
Approximatly 28,574
Approximatly 1.25 miles
approximatly 2,000 feet squared
approximatly 11%
approximatly 120g
Approximately is spelled exactly ^^^^^^^^^ that way
100 bucks
it is approximatly 305cm high