"Approximately exact" is an oxymoron. An answer can be approximate or it can be exact but it cannot be approximately exact.
A number
Math dates back more than 50,000. The exact origin is unknown. F@ck u
Definitive, exact, easy (for me), necessary, descriptive
Scientists must sometimes rely on estimates when they cannot obtain exact numbers :)
Approximatley 4500 years. It is located in the Bristlecone National Forrest and it's exact location is kept a secret.
A number
All other exact sciences are based on math.
Scientist often rely the math skill of estimates when they cannot find the exact number.
an exact location in space
When a answer is almost exact in math but not exact you should always use ~ sing, it means similar to
The exact value of 150 would be 3/2. This is taught in high math.
about,or almost
For the exact reason that math is important today. Calculations, arithmetic, figuring things out and what have you
I'm not quite sure if there is an exact term for a "math phobia" but the fear of numbers is known as arithmophobia.