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Q: An average woman owns 4 of these and only uses 2?
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The average woman has 4 of these but only uses 2 What is it?

nail polish

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The average woman will use 15,000 pads or tampons in her menstruating life.

What is it that a woman uses 5 times a year and a man only uses once a year?

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A gipsy woman is a woman that believes in and uses black magic. Black magic is a type of magic that is only used by the Devil.

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What is a gipsie?

A gipsy woman is a woman that believes in and uses black magic. Black magic is a type of magic that is only used by the Devil.

Is Mexico the only country with a letter x?

Yes. Mexico is the one and only country in the world that has the X on its name. It is also the only country in the world with different pronunciations for words with the X on them. For instance:Mexico uses the X as a H - MehicoXochimilco uses the X as a S - SochimilcoTaxco uses the X as anybody normally does - Taxco or Tacsco.Xoco uses the X as a SH - ShocoBasically, Mexico owns the X.

Something historical for the alphabet in Mexico?

Mexico is the one and only country in the world that has the X on its name. It is also the only country in the world with different pronunciations for words with the X on them. For instance:Mexico uses the X as a H - MehicoXochimilco uses the X as a S - SochimilcoTaxco uses the X as anybody normally does - Taxco or Tacsco.Xoco uses the X as a SH - ShocoBasically, Mexico owns the X.

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That could be a lake or a river...

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No. It uses an AMD chipset. AMD owns ATI, NVIDIA's competitor, therefore, it can only run Crossfire, not SLI.

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