In that case, the result is also odd.
Any 2 negative numbers, whether even or odd, when multiplied are positive
Only if an odd number of the factors are negative numbers.
the op-op property stands for the opposite of opposites property. the rule tells you: an odd number of negative numbers multiplied give you a negative answer. an even number of negative numbers multiplied gives you a positive answer. this rule only applies to NEGATIVE numbers. for example: (-1)x(-1)x1x(-1)x(-1)x(-1)x(-1)x1x(-1)x(-1)x(-1) sounds pretty hard right? WRONG there are seven negative numbers. seven is an ODD number. so the answer is -1. if there was eight negative numbers the answer would be 1. hope this helps
Yes, negative numbers can be either odd or even, just like positive numbers. And odd positive number can be made into an odd negative number, by reversing the sign. So for example, 5 and -5 are both odd.
The product of an odd number of negative numbers will be negative.
In that case, the result is also odd.
Any 2 negative numbers, whether even or odd, when multiplied are positive
All of the odd numbers.
This is an impossibility. Any odd number multiplied by any other odd number will come out to be an odd number.
They are the odd numbers multiplied by themselves.
It is the same as determining the sign of the product of two integers;+ x + = ++ x - = -- x + = -- x - = +ORIf only positive numbers are multiplied, the result is positive.If positive and an even number of negative numbers (for example, + x - x -) are multiplied, the result is positive.If positive and an odd number of negative numbers (for example, + x + x -) are multiplied, the result is negative.If an even number of negative numbers (for example, - x -) are multiplied, the result is positive.If an odd number of negative numbers (for example, - x - x -) are multiplied, the result is negative.Remember the rule:Product of a positive and a positive fraction is always positive.Product of a positive and a negative fraction is always negative.Product of a negative and a positive fraction is always negative.Product of a negative and a negative fraction is always positive.Examples:½ * ¼ = 1/8½ * -¼ = -1/8-½ * ¼ = -1/8-½ * -¼ = 1/8Source:
Every odd number. Multiplying two even numbers gives an even number. Multiplying an odd and an even number gives an even number. Multiplying two odd numbers gives an odd number.
A negative. If you have a string of positive and negative numbers multiplied together, all you need to find the sign of the answer is to find the parity of the negative numbers. If there are an odd number of negatives then the answer is negative and if there are an even number of negatives then the answer is positive. Remember, positive numbers make no difference to the sign of the answer.
Only if an odd number of the factors are negative numbers.
Integers, odd integers, negative integers, odd negative integers, rational numbers, negative rational numbers, real numbers, negative real numbers, square roots of 1, etc.