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It is the same as determining the sign of the product of two integers;
+ x + = +
+ x - = -
- x + = -
- x - = +


If only positive numbers are multiplied, the result is positive.
If positive and an even number of negative numbers (for example, + x - x -) are multiplied, the result is positive.
If positive and an odd number of negative numbers (for example, + x + x -) are multiplied, the result is negative.
If an even number of negative numbers (for example, - x -) are multiplied, the result is positive.
If an odd number of negative numbers (for example, - x - x -) are multiplied, the result is negative.

Remember the rule:

Product of a positive and a positive fraction is always positive.

Product of a positive and a negative fraction is always negative.

Product of a negative and a positive fraction is always negative.

Product of a negative and a negative fraction is always positive.


½ * ¼ = 1/8

½ * -¼ = -1/8

-½ * ¼ = -1/8

-½ * -¼ = 1/8


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Q: What is the rule for determining the sign of the product of two fractions?
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