Five ways to record data are tables, picture graphs, T charts, bar graphs, and writing the information down bulleted style.
Bar charts or histograms.
Graphs visualize data allowing the brain to interpret a large data set quickly and infer trends.
Bar graphs can compare two sets of data, as well as line graphs and circle graphs. To better improve my answer, double line graphs and double bar graphs compare two sets of data. Circle graphs cannot however, because they compare parts of a whole instead of, as a bar graph would, the amount of something. A circle graph is also incapable of showing data growth over a period of time, as line graphs do. All in all, circle graphs cannot compare to sets of data, and bar graphs and line graphs must be doubled to do so.
Make Observations.- NovaNet Answer <^_^>
visualize the data
Key topics:Ratios, proportions, and percentages.Interpreting and analyzing data (charts, graphs, tables).Probability and statistics.
It is the process of translating large data sets into charts, maps, graphs and other visuals.
bar charts and pie charts
The best method to represent specific data depends on the type of data and the goal of the analysis. Common methods include tables, charts (such as bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs), histograms, scatter plots, and infographics. Consider the nature of the data, the audience, and the story you want to convey when choosing a representation method.
After analyzing data, scientists may draw conclusions or patterns from the data that support or refute their hypothesis. They may also create graphs, charts, or diagrams to visually represent the data and findings. Additionally, scientists may generate new hypotheses or research questions based on their analysis.
data visualization
Scientists use data to create charts, graphs, and tables to visually represent their findings. These visualizations help simplify complex data and make it easier for others to understand the results of an experiment. It also allows for comparisons and patterns to be easily identified.
A scientist record the data in a table which displays it in a clear and readable format. Then they usually convert this into any sort of graph which allows them to compare the data. Graphs can include scatter graphs, line graphs, bar charts and pie charts, all of which depend on the data you are studying, hope that helped :)