The flowchart in deriving the largest of three (3) numbers, You may follow the steps provided below: Input for A,B,C 3,2,1 2,1,3 1,2,3 1,3,2 2,3,1 2,2,3 # Draw the start symbol then a flow line connecting to item #2 # Draw the init box for the syntax: set variable_A=0, variable_B=0, variable_C=0 then a flow line connecting to item #3 # Draw the input box and write variable_A and a flow line connecting to item #4 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_A not numeric?'. If yes, then a flow line connecting to item #3 else a flow line connecting to item #5 # Draw the input box and write variable_B and a flow line connecting to item #6 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_B not numeric?'. If yes, then a flow line connecting to item #5 else a flow line connecting to item #7 # Draw the input box and write variable_C and a flow line connecting to item #8 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_C not numeric?'. If yes, then a flow line connecting to item #7 else a flow line connecting to item #9 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_A>variable_B?'. if yes, then a flow line connecting to item #10 else a flow line connecting to item #12 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_B>variable_C?'. if yes, then draw the output box for the syntax: variable_A, variable_B, variable_C and a flow line connecting to item #14 else a flow line connecting to item #11 # Draw the decision box for 'If variable_A>variable_C?. if yes, then draw the output box for the syntax: variable_A, variable_C, variable_B and a flow line connecting to item #14 else, draw the process box for the syntax: variable_C, variable_A, variable_B and a flow line connecting to item #14 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_A>variable_C?'. if yes, then draw the output box for the syntax: variable_B, variable_A, variable_C and a flow line connecting to item #14 else a flow line connecting to item #13 # Draw the decision box for 'If variable_B>variable_C?. if yes, then draw the output box for the syntax: variable_B, variable_C, variable_A and a flow line connecting to item #14 else, draw the process box for the syntax: variable_C, variable_B, variable_A and a flow line connecting to item #14 # Draw the decision box for 'Are there more numbers to compare?'. If yes, a flow line connecting to item #2 else a flow line connecting to item #15 # Draw the end symbol. Where: variable_A contains the first number, variable_B contains the second number and variable_C contains the third number. Note: The sequence of variable display is from largest to lowest accordingly.
a musical line segment is a segment (paragraph) that you use to read put it also is music in many other forms
The flowchart in deriving the sum of two numbers, you may follow the steps provided below: # Draw the start symbol then a flow line connecting to item #2 # Draw the init box for the syntax: set variable_Sum=0, Variable_A=0, Variable_B=0 then a flow line connecting to item #3 # Draw the first input box and write variable_A then a flow line connecting to item #4 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_A not numeric?'. if yes, draw a flow line connecting to item#3 else draw a flow line connecting to item #5 # Draw the second input box and write variable_B then a flow line connecting to item #6 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_B not numeric?'. if yes, draw a flow line connecting to item#5 else draw a flow line connecting to item #7 # Draw the process box for the syntax: compute variable_Sum=variable_A + variable_B then a flow line connecting to item #8 # Draw the output box and write variable_Sum then a flow line connecting to item #9 # Draw the end symbol. Where: variable_A contains the first number, variable_B contains the second number and variable_Sum contains the result.
If two vertices are adjacent to each other, the line segment connecting the two is known as an edge. If they are non-adjacent it is known as a diagonal.
isochronic lines.
A curved line connecting two or more notes of the same pitch is called a tie. It indicates that the notes should be played as a single sustained note.
The curved line connecting two or more notes of different pitches is called a slur in music notation. A slur indicates that the notes should be played smoothly and connected without any separation between them. It is different from a tie, which connects two notes of the same pitch to extend their duration. Slurs are commonly used in piano, vocal, and string music to indicate phrasing and articulation.
i agree
a slur
B is on the middle line, A is in the gap between the 2nd and 3rd lines and G is on the 2nd line.
A beam or curved line connecting two notes is called a "tie". The duration of that note then is equal both note values.
A clef (French: clé "key") is a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes.[1] Placed on one of the lines at the beginning of the staff, it indicates the name and pitch of the notes on that line. This line serves as a reference point by which the names of the notes on any other line or space of the staff may be determined.
line connecting magnetic north
Individual notes in a work are like words in a sentence. They are connected by slurs (curved lines) which are like sentences in an essay. Generally, unless otherwise stated, notes in a slur are played smoothly.
The lines and space positions represent different musical notes (musical frequencies) with each higher position being a frequency greater than the position below it.