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No its different or same in some cases...

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Q: Are all opposite sides in a trapezium equal in length?
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Two pairs of equal length sides but opposite sides not equal length?

This is a quadrilateral. It could be a symmetric trapezium /

What are the properties of different types of quadrilaterals?

A quadrilateral is any plane figure bounded by four straight lines. Within this definition are special shapes. The Parallelogram : has both pairs of opposite sides parallel (and opposite sides are equal in length). The Rhombus : is a parallelogram with all its sides of equal length. The Rectangle : is a parallelogram with each of its vertex angles equal to 90° (and opposite sides are of equal length). The Square : is a rectangle with all its sides of equal length. The Trapezium : is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides - which are NOT of equal length. The Isosceles Trapezium : is a trapezium with its two non parallel sides equal in length. The Kite : is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal in length

Does a trapezium have all equal opposite sides?


Are Opposite Angles Equal On A Trapezium?

No because a Trapezium does not have straight sides so there not equal

What are the Differences between a rhombus and a trapezium?

A rhombus has all four sides of equal length, a trapezium may have none. A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides, a trapezium has one. A rhombus has two pairs of equal angles (opposite angles), a trapezium may have none.

Does trapezium has all opposite sides equal?


How many equal sides has a trapezium?

A trapezium is a four sided figure with 2 sides parallel. None of its sides need to be equal in length.

What is a quadrilateral with opposite sides and opposite angles?

The practical answer is a parallelogram, which has two sets of parallel opposite sides and two sets of equal opposite angles. This includes rhombi, rectangles, and squares.A trapezoid (trapezium) has one set of parallel opposite sides that are not equal, but may have non-parallel opposite sides equal in length (isosceles trapezoid).

How is a trapezium different to a parallelogram?

in a trapezium only one pair of opposite sides are a regular trapezium non-parallel sides are equal.whereas in a parallelogram both the pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel. i hope this helped.

Does a trapezium always have equal sides?

No. A normal trapezium has two parallel sides that are not equal in length, and two other sides joining the ends of the parallel sides which may be equal, but are usually not. If all four sides of a trapezium were equal in length, it would be called a rhombus as the sides would be parallel in pairs; and if the angles were 90° as well, it would be called a square.

Does a trapezium have equal length?

Unfortunately it does not have equal length in fact 2 of its sides are the same but the others are not.* * * * *Wrong!The key requirement of a trapezium is that it has exactly one pair of parallel sides. It can have 0, 1, 2 or 3 sides of equal length.Also, there is nothing fortunate or unfortunate about having sides of equal length.

What is true about a trapezoid A opposite sides are equal B opposite angles are equal C both pairs of opposite sides are parallel D one pair of opposite sides is parallel?

A trapezoid (UK trapezium) has D)one set of opposite sides parallel although they are of unequal length. An isosceles trapezoid has two sets of equal angles, at the ends of each of the parallel sides.