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Q: Are boys better at maths
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Are girls or boys better in maths?


Why are boys better at maths than girls?

They're not!

Are boys better at math then girls?

Science proves that women are academically smarter than men.

Are boys better mathematicans than girls?

According to test result ts in the last decade boys have exceeded in maths whilst girls have dropped. The girls however have increased their test result scores in Sciences and English. Boys have been increasing in maths for many years now and are expected to continue to increase.

Are girls better at math than boys?

Its not about gender. I am in the top maths class just now, and there are the pretty much the same amount of boys as there are girls. It's about the individual person, && how hard they are willing to work.

What is relationship between Maths and Geography?

The difference of maths and geography is maths is more better than geography

Slogan about math?

better ingredients , better maths

What is better for you Maths or English?


Use of maths in lifetime?

you use maths in school, college, some jobs. if you want to have a job in maths you better start revising.

Are girls intelligent than boys?

Nope, they're about the same. Boys may be better at maths and science but girls are better at english, history and the arts. This was shown in some university research about 10 years ago. In history there have always been intelligent MEN and WOMEN i.e. Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. Hope this helped.

How can you get better at maths?

If you want to get better or improve our maths skills you need to practice what ever subject you are not going to well at. But most important try to listen to your teacher.

Which is better gem programs or advanced maths for 6 grade?

GEM Maths is for students who are very good at maths, who likely got a 5 in 5th Grade FCAT Maths assessment and who are willing to commit MANY hours of maths homework. If a student can't give this kind of time and effort than Advanced Math is better.