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Ceilings and floors are generally horizontal relative to gravity, whereas walls are vertical.

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Q: Are ceilings and floors vertical
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How did Romans attach the mosaics to the ceilings of their temples?

They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.They didn't. Mosaics were used on floors. Any decoration used on ceilings would have been frescoes or paintings.

What has the author Judson Mead written?

Judson. Mead has written: 'Walls, floors & ceilings' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Ceilings, Dwellings, Floors, Remodeling, Walls

How are mosaics used?

They are used to decorate walls, floors, and ceilings.

What were mosaics used as?

They are used to decorate walls, floors, and ceilings.

Why are price floors and price ceilings posed?

if the market price imposed by suppliers are too high for consumers then the price ceilings are imposed....if the market price is too low for the producers then price floors is imposed.

What rhymes with blast the pen to bits?

Floors, walls and ceilings; there the ink sits.

Vertical connectors between floors are known as?

The vertical connectors between floors are known as staircases or stairs. They are used to provide access between different levels of a building.

Where can tessellation be found in real life?

Tiled floors, walls, ceilings or pavements, and in nature

Do producers tend to favor price floors or price ceilings?

price floors because, when binding, price floors increase price above the equilibrium and may increase producer surplus.

What happens when government imposes price ceilings and floors in a market?


What kinds of houses does British Columbia have?

They have walls, floors, and ceilings. And a few doors and windows too!

Vertical connectors between floors of a building are known as?

Elevators or staircases are the vertical connectors between floors of a building. Elevators transport people and goods vertically between floors, while staircases provide a means of moving between floors by foot.