They always have a numerator but, if they are integers, the may not have a denominator.
Integers are whole numbers. Rational numbers can be fractions / decimals. But it is NEVER a whole number E.G. of rational numbers : 3/4 or 1.5
Never, if you add 2 posotives together (every posotive is greater than 0) then it will be greater than 0
It's never. A factor divides into a number without remainder, so the biggest it can be is the number itself.
an equation ---------- has a soultion? a)always B)sometimes C)never
No. In fact, integers are never Irrational Numbers.
Sometimes. Actually, very, very rarely.
All integers are rational numbers, but not all rational numbers are integers.2/1 = 2 is an integer1/2 is not an integerRational numbers are sometimesintegers.
If the integers are the same, then the sum is always zero.If the integers are different, then the sum is never zero.If there's no rule governing the choice of integers, then the sum is sometimes zero.By the way . . . we're talking about 'integers', not 'intergers'.
They always have a numerator but, if they are integers, the may not have a denominator.
- Always, if the two integers are both positive. - Sometimes, if the two integers have different signs. - Never, if the two integers are both negative.
Sometimes true.
The answer is sometimes - when the multiple in question is 1.