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Q: Are men at a greater risk for iron deficiency than women?
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What age group has a high risk group for iron deficiency?

Infants, children, and some women are the group that has a higher risk of having an iron deficiency. A lot of pregnant women have to take iron supplements because a lot of the time their iron will drop below the efficient level.

What are the risk factors of hypochromia anisocytosis?

Vitamin b 12 deficiency Folate deficiency Iron deficiency

What are the potential problems with a low iron intake and a high iron intake?

Iron deficiency can cause anemia resulting from low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Iron deficiency is the most widespread mineral nutritional deficiency worldwide. Iron-deficiency anemia is characterized by fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, concentration problems, dizziness, a weakened immune system, and energy loss. Iron excess is a greater risk than iron deficiency for many older Americans. In a study of more than 1,000 white men and women aged 67 to 96 who live at home, 13 percent had too much iron in their blood, but only three percent had too little. Even a small amount of excess iron can damage heart and brain and other storage sites in the body and lead to heart attack or stroke.

A person with chronic GI bleeding is at risk for deficiency of?

Any bloodloss will put a patient at risk for anemia, which is a loss of iron related to the loss of hemoglobin that carries iron and oxygen.

What are the signs and symptoms of anemia and iron deficiency What is the root cause?

Here are some things that may cause you to have an iron deficiency or anemia: Diet: Consuming a lot of low iron foods or not being able to properly absorb the iron from the foods you eat can lead to anemia or an iron deficiency. It's worth pointing out that plant-based forms of iron are not as well absorbed as animal forms; therefore, vegans and vegetarians are particularly susceptible to deficiency. Poor absorption: Some digestive conditions, including celiac disease, can reduce your body's ability to absorb iron from food. Iron is absorbed in your small intestine, which is where your body will become damaged as a result of celiac disease. Increased demand for iron: Menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and/or rapid growth in children can increase the body's demand for iron. Athletes are also at a greater risk of developing iron deficiency.

Does a nemic need to take iron?

Yes, a person with anemia may need to take iron supplements to help correct their iron deficiency. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it is safe for the individual.

The consumption of milk by children should not exceed 4 cups per day in order to lower the risk for?

Iron deficiency

Who will get the most benefit from an iron supplement?

Individuals who have iron deficiency anemia or are at risk of developing it, such as pregnant women, individuals with heavy menstrual bleeding, and those with gastrointestinal conditions that affect nutrient absorption, will benefit the most from an iron supplement. It is essential to consult a healthcare provider before starting iron supplementation to determine the appropriate dosage and duration.

Pregnant women who are vegans are at risk for a deficiency of which nutrient?

Vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is Only found in meat and dairy products. Strict vegetarians Have to take a vitamin supplement or they will be at risk of a Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

What ethnic groups have a higher risk of placental abruption?

African-American and Latin-American women have a greater risk of this complication than do Caucasian women.

What is so good about iorn in food?

The body needs iron to function. Without it, our red blood cells don't work to carry oxygen to the rest of the body, among other things. Iron deficiency can make us weak and cause our skin color to be more pale than it should be; if iron deficiency is severe, it can (in extreme cases) be fatal. Many foods are rich in iron (spinach, liver, asparagus, salmon) which serve us by delivering natural iron for the body to use. If we don't eat food with iron, we need to take iron way or the other, we have to get iron nutrients in order to remain well. Women have a higher risk of iron deficiency than men for obvious reasons and should be particularly mindful of getting enough iron-rich foods in their diets.

What is the prevalence of premature delivery?

African-American women are at more risk (16-18%) than white women (7-9%); women who smoke have a 20 - 30% greater risk; women under 18 or over 35; less educated women.