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No, they are not!

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Q: Are numbers that can be written as the ratio of two integers in which the denominator is not zero called reciprocals?
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What are numbers written as a quotient of two integers where denominator is not 0?

They are rational fractions.

The set of all fractional numbers is sometimes called the set of what?

The rational numbers. A rational number is defined as any number that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator. That includes the integers themselves, since, for example, 5 can be written as 5/1.The rational numbers. A rational number is defined as any number that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator. That includes the integers themselves, since, for example, 5 can be written as 5/1.The rational numbers. A rational number is defined as any number that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator. That includes the integers themselves, since, for example, 5 can be written as 5/1.The rational numbers. A rational number is defined as any number that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator. That includes the integers themselves, since, for example, 5 can be written as 5/1.

What is a number written as quotient of two integers where denominator is zero?

A quotient of two numbers cannot have a denominator which is zero: such a fraction is not defined.

What Can A rational number is a number that can be written as a?

A rational number can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator.

A Set of numbers that can be written as fractions?

Those are the rational numbers. To be precise, you must be able to write the number as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator, to qualify as a rational number.

What is a 'real number' in relation to Math?

Real numbers include positive and negative numbers, integers and fractional numbers, and even irrational numbers - numbers that are between rational numbers, but that are not rational numbers themselves. (A rational number is one that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator.) Real numbers can be represented as points on a straight line.

How are integers and rationals numbers different?

All integers are rational numbers, not all rational numbers are integers. Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions, p/q, where q is not equal to zero. For integers the denominator is 1. 5 is an integer, 2/3 is a fraction, both are rational.

What is a number written as a quotient of two integers where denominator is not 0?


What is a number written as a quotient of two integers where denominator is not zero?

It is a rational fraction.

Number written as a quotient of two integers where denominator is not 0?

It is a rational fraction.

Irrational numbers can not be written in form?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero. Irrational numbers are numbers that are not rational.Irrational numbers, therefore, are numbers that can notbe written as the division of two integers where the divisor is not zero.

What are any numbers that can be written as a ratio of two integers?

Any numbers that can be written as a fraction are considered ratios of two integers. For example, 1/2, -3/4, and 7/1 are all examples of numbers that can be written as a ratio of two integers.