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it depends on if all the sides of the rectangle, like a square, fall under CPCTC. if that is accurate, then the diagonals will all be the same :) hopefully this helps! :)

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Q: Are the diagonals of a rectangle equal in length all the time?
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Is a rectangle a polygon with four right angles?

Yes it is. Also, there has to be 2 sets of equal length sides. Of course, there is 2 sets of sides with equal length every time unless it is a square.

Has a parallelogram got all equal angles?

Opposite sides will be of equal length, but touching lengths may differ. No, not necessarily - The only time it has equal angles is when it is a square or a rectangle.

-when you draw a rectangle with golden proportion sizes any time you cut a perfect square out of it remaining rectangle will maintain it's original proportiongoldenas far as it's length allows?

When you cut out a square from a rectangle shape you will not have the original proportion. A square has four equal side a rectangle has four side that are not equal.

How do you find the length of a rectangle?

multiply width time area

What Is a rectangle Is it sometimes a rhombus?

A rectangle is a form of quadrilateral parallelogram, where all angles are of ninety (90) degrees. A rhombus is a quadrilateral parallelogram where all sides are the same length. The only time when a rhombus is a rectangle and vice versa is when both side lengths and angles are equal, i.e. when the shape is a square.

How is the area of a rectangle calculated?

Base times height. Or, the length of one side times the length of a side *next to it*, rather than across from it. OMG. You should no that no offense but i even lerned that in third grade and I'm 11 but a rectangle's length time it's width is it's area

Why are the eons and eras not equal in length?

Geologists have divided Earth's history into a series of time intervals. These time intervals are not equal in length like the hours in a day. Instead the time intervals are variable in length. This is because geologic time is divided using significant events in the history of the Earth.

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram will it always have equal angles?

Diagonally opposite pairs of angles will always be equal, but the only time all angles in a quadrilateral parallelogram are equal is when that shape is a rectangle.

How do you work out the length width and height if all equal sides and you have the volume?

Use the volume formula length time width time height

A rectangle has length three time its width if the perimeter of the rectangle is 56 inches what is the length of the rectangle?

l=3w Perimeter (p) = 2*(l+w) = 56 2*(3w+w)=56 2*4w=56 8w=56 w=7 inches l=3w = 3*7 = 21 inches

What Is 800 seconds?

It is a length of time equal to 13 minutes and 20 seconds.

What does length time width time height equal?

For a cuboid it equals the volume, but not for any other shape.