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Q: Are the internodes of the stem of the same length?
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What is the rose stem made of?

The roses stem is one (1) of two (2) main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root. The stem is normally divided into nodes and internodes. The nodes hold buds which grows into one or more leaves, conifer cones, roots, other stems, or inflorescence. The internodes distance one node from another.

The primary growth of a stem?

increases the length of the stem

What is an advantage of using stem length to measure plant growth?

The stem mostly being above the ground grows in length very rapidly. It is easy to measure stem length without harming the plant as such.

What is stem length?

Stem length differ from plant to plant maximum 400 ft in ground plants.

What kind of specialized stem can be found from strawberries?

stolon-sometimes called runners,are thin,above-ground,horizontal stems of indeterminate growth and long internodes that grow out from a parent plant.

Auxins are plant hormones which tend to decrease stem length?

False, Auxins tend to increase stem length.

What is the length of a flower's stem?

The Leangth of a flower stem us 5 in.

Plant stems are like two-way pipelines?

The stem is naturally parted into nodes which hold buds and internodes that distance a node from another. Plant stems are not like two-way pipelines.

Why is sugar cane not regarded as a stem tuber?

The sugar cane are several species of tall perennial true grasses. The sugar is obtained from the stems and is processed to produce the sugars we use as a sweetener in our food and drinks, etc. A tuber is a thickened underground part of a stem, one example is the potato.

What is the scientific name of stem?

The scientific name for the stem of a plant is "axis." It serves as the main structural support for the plant, connecting the roots to the leaves and facilitating the transport of water, nutrients, and sugars.