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Q: Are the mean and variance equal in the poisson distribution?
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Which distribution function has equal mean and variance?

The exponential distribution and the Poisson distribution.

Are the mean and standard deviation equal in a poisson distribution?

The mean and variance are equal in the Poisson distribution. The mean and std deviation would be equal only for the case of mean = 1. See related link.

How do you calculate the mean and variance of a poisson distribution as a function of time t?

Divide the total number of incidents by the total time. The result, representing the average number of incidents per unit of time, is the mean as well as the variance of the Poisson distribution.

Can the variance of a normally distributed random variable be negative?

No. The variance of any distribution is the sum of the squares of the deviation from the mean. Since the square of the deviation is essentially the square of the absolute value of the deviation, that means the variance is always positive, be the distribution normal, poisson, or other.

What is the probability that a Poisson random variable x is equal to 5...?

It depends on the parameter - the mean of the distribution.

Given a Poisson distribution with mean equals 2 Find P x5?

Given a Poisson distribution with mean = 2. Find P(X < 5)

Is total area under a normal distribution finite?

Yes, and is equal to 1. This is true for normal distribution using any mean and variance.

What is the different between standard normal distribution and normal distribution?

A normal distribution can have any value for its mean and any positive value for its variance. A standard normal distribution has mean 0 and variance 1.

What properties distinguishes standard normal distribution from other normal distribution?

The normal distribution can have any real number as mean and any positive number as variance. The mean of the standard normal distribution is 0 and its variance is 1.

What is the variance of the uniform distribution function?

the variance of the uniform distribution function is 1/12(square of(b-a)) and the mean is 1/2(a+b).

What are the parameters of normal distribution?

The mean and standard deviation.

What is the Difference between normal and gaussian distribution?

Actually the normal distribution is the sub form of Gaussian distribution.Gaussian distribution have 2 parameters, mean and variance.When there is zero mean and unit variance the Gaussian distribution becomes normal other wise it is pronounced as Gaussian.Wrong! The standard normal distribution has mean 0 and variance 1, but a normal distribution is the same as the Gaussiand, and can have any mean and variance. Google stackexcange "what-is-the-difference-between-a-normal-and-a-gaussian-distribution"