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Q: Which scientist's work did Copernicus contradict?
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What scientists work did Copernicus contradict?

He contradicted space and mathematics including a economist xx

Who developed ideas that contradict Ptolemy's geocentric model of universe?

Nicholas Copernicus did

What scientists performed in the Copernicus universe theory?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Who were famous scientists in the 1500s?

Nicolaus Copernicus.

How do you use Copernicus contribution?

Copernicus' contribution to astronomy was the heliocentric model, which placed the sun at the center of the solar system instead of Earth. This model revolutionized our understanding of the cosmos and laid the foundation for modern astronomy. Scientists continue to build upon Copernicus' work to further explore the universe.

Why scientists often test the conclusion of other scientists?

Scientists do that because they are skeptical about other scientists' work. They do not usually believe what other scientists have concluded, so other scientists come up with a hypothesis (or simply state a question) as to contradict, or theorize why another scientists' work and conclusions are wrong. In short: Scientists are skeptical and do not believe what another scientist has come up with as a conclusion.

How does a scientist critique another scientists conclusions?

By presenting data that contradict those conclusions

Were did Nicolas Copernicus do his work?

in a university

Where did Nicholas Copernicus work?

in an observatory

Who did nicolaus Copernicus work with?

with people

How far could Nickolas Copernicus' telescope see?

Copernicus did not use a telescope in his astronomical work.

Why do Copernicus preferred to work alone?

I think that Copernicus preferred to work alone because what he thought went against common religious beliefs.