

Average speed of a rabbit

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Average speed of a rabbit
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Related questions

What is the speed of a rabbit?

Most rabbits including the dwarf rabbit can run in a wide range of speed. They average 25 to 45 miles per hour depending on breed and health of the animal.

A rabbit and a turtle were to start a race at the same place the rabbit was asleep when the turtle started he slept for seven hours before he started the race the rabbits average rate when he was awak?

To calculate the rabbit's average rate, we need to know the total distance of the race and the time it took for the rabbit to finish it while awake. The total time the rabbit took for the race is not provided in the question. Without that information, we cannot accurately determine the rabbit's average rate.

A rabbit hops 2 meters in 30 seconds what is its average speed?

If a rabbit hops 2 meters in 30 seconds, its average speed is 1 meter per 15 seconds, or also 4 meters per minute. This depends on if you want to find the distance for every second, minute, hour, day, week, year, etc.

What is speed of rabbit?

really fast

What is the heights of a rabbit?

The average height of a rabbit is about 16 inches.

What is the average weight of a male rabbit?

The average weight of a male rabbit is 2-3 pounds. The weight can be more or less and the rabbit be in perfect health because the breed and diet of the male rabbit contribute to the weight.

Is rabbit faster than horse?

it depends on the individual animal. One rabbit in the world can probably run faster than one dog in the world, but one dog in the world can run faster than one rabbit in the world, i am guessing, but it might no be so. You should ask next time: "Are the average of rabbits faster than the average dog?"

When are speed and average speed the same?

Average speed is an average value of speed over a given time. If your speed is constant (not changing), then your average speed will equal your speed at any given moment in time.

How much does an average baby bunny weight?

the weight of a rabbit depends on the type of rabbit. a mini-lop rabbit, for example, weighs on average about five or six pounds (this is a smaller breed of rabbit).

How may years does a rabbit live?

The average life of a rabbit is 5-10 years.

Is average speed the same as speed?

Average Speed is different from average speed becoz speed is particular while avera speed is the total distance divided from time

How do you find the average speed of an object?

Average distance ______________ = Average Speed Average time