The bar line devides the staff into measures.
The area between bar lines
Yes you can, but you have to use zig zag lines. Using straight lines there are only four ways to divide a square into two equal parts (along the lines of symmetry).
Staff Notation is a music notation like quotation marks except used in music not writing. It is with the five lines going down.
Bar lines divide the staff into measures
Bar lines divide the staff into measures
Bar lines, or measure lines.
bar line Sorry, bar lines separate music into repeating rhythmic patterns. The lines that extend the range of the staff are called ledger lines.
bar line Sorry, bar lines separate music into repeating rhythmic patterns. The lines that extend the range of the staff are called ledger lines.
A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.
Ledger lines can be used to extend the staff.
The spaces between two bar lines in a stave is called as a 'bar'.
staff lines indicted pitch
The lines that extend the staff are called ledger lines.
11 lines and 10 spaces in the Great staff