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The bar line devides the staff into measures.

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Q: The bar line divides the staff into?
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Related questions

What divides the music staff into measures?

Bar lines divide the staff into measures

What is A Bar-line?

A type of a bar lines which single line that divides the staff into measure

What divides the staff into measures?

Bar lines divide the staff into measures

What is the line that divides measures called?

bar line

What are the spaces between 2 bar lines in music?

A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.

What do you call the line that divides the numerator and denominator?

fraction bar

What in line in music?

A bar line divides a staff into bars or measures. Each measure (or bar) will contain a certain number of notes, rests, possible sharps or flats and may include other musical markings. Each measure is governed by a time signature and a key signature and a clef.

What does a staff and bar line look like?


What is a bar-line in music?

A bar line divides a staff into bars or measures. Each measure (or bar) will contain a certain number of notes, rests, possible sharps or flats and may include other musical markings. Each measure is governed by a time signature and a key signature and a clef.

What is the line that divides a fraction?

a fraction bar By Hoggyilove animals: A vinculum is what it's called

What are the lines that extend the lower and upper ranges on a staff?

bar line Sorry, bar lines separate music into repeating rhythmic patterns. The lines that extend the range of the staff are called ledger lines.

What line bisector divides a line into tWo What segments?

Every line bisector divides a line into two halves: by definition!