Basically it means that it is better to die free and with dignity than to live as a slave and under oppression-whether it be an overbearing government or church, some international organization, or basically any kind of oppression.
Who coined the phase " i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees"
Convert the yards to feet (multiply by 3); then you can compare feet with feet.
Yes, 9 yards is equivalent to 27 feet. 27 feet is greater than 26 feet, therefore 9 yards is bigger than 26 feet.
27 yards is greater than 75 feet. 3 feet = 1 yard 75 feet = 25 yards
27 feet is greater than 8 yards. There are 3 feet in a yard, so in 8 yards there are 24 feet. So 27 feet is 3 feet greater than 8 yards.
Albert Camus
it is better to die on your feet than live forever on your knees.
Who coined the phase " i'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees"
It simply means that it is better to die on your feet as a human being with dignity than to live comfortably as a slave. For example, an oppressive government will put people in the frame of mind that it would be better to be shot fighting back to retain their dignity and rights, than to submit and allow those rights to be taken away and live.
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees" is a very popular quote that motivates people to keep working to find success rather than seeking empathy. This is similar to the other quote which states you should get rich or die trying.
It is better than running on pavement for your joints and knees.
George Wahington.
In anatomical position, the feet are distal (farther from the center of the body) to the knees.
Yes. Webbed feet are better for animals who live close to water and dive for food. Clawed feet are better for climbing through trees and other objects to get food.
Albert Camus, in his essay, "The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt" the quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata. the Mexican revolutionary general.
Cycling is generally considered to be better for the health of your knees compared to running because it is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on the joints.
It is better to live a day as a lion, seizing opportunities and facing challenges boldly, than to live a thousand days as a lamb, simply following the herd and missing out on potential growth and fulfillment. Quality of experience often outweighs quantity.