To make one million heartbeats at that average rate will take 8.68 days.
(8 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes)
1000000/80 = 12500 minutes
12500/60 = 208 1/3 hours (208 hours, 20 minutes)
208/24 = 8 2/3 days (8 days, 16 hours)
Day = 80 x 24 x 60 beats = 115200
Hour = 80 x 60 beats = 4800
Brett Skapinetz has an enormous cranium. The volume of this gargantuan human head will be measured by Archimedes principle once a large enough vessel is found to submerge it into. His cranium is so large that several recent lottery winners have opted to have the equivalent of his head filled with nickels instead of the grand prize
(98.4 - measured rectal temperature) / 1.5 Formula: Temperature of body when found = (Initial Difference between body and ambient temp)(e)^(-k x t) + ambient temperature
i found out that there are now about like 15 or ore different numbers after 1 million not counting infinity or eny things like far a really big number i now is gallop(or google).it is followed by gallopion(or goglepion)zeros.and i think that gallopion(or googleopion) has about followed by 10 trillion zeros.(another huge,huge number is called duotrigintillion!\duotrigintillion! \duotrigintillion! \duotrigintillion! /duotrigintillion! / duotrigintillion!/(the \/ means ).).
Thinking for less than a minute I come up with 3 (not counting rotations and mirrorings) Thinking for another minute I come up with an infinite number. The assignment is asking: A swuare with a side of 4 feet needs to be cut into four parts that are the same in size. Can you find six different ways to cut the square? Using the squares below, draw six different ways the square could be cut. Hint: The parts might not have the same shape. We have already found 4.
why mhr is 220
Yes. A normal resting heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute.
Pulse rate measures the number of times your heart beats per minute. It is typically found by locating your pulse on the wrist or neck and counting the number of beats for a set amount of time. A normal resting pulse rate for adults is usually between 60-100 beats per minute. Monitoring your pulse rate can provide valuable information about your heart health and overall fitness level.
The normal average heart rate for a 23 year old male is 70 to 73 beats per minute. An athletic heart rate would be 49 to 55 beats per minute.
I actually did my Science project on this. It was found that the slow, piano music like Beethoven calmed my golden retriever and the fast GwenStafani Wind it Up really stressed him out. his heartbeat went from 40 beats per minute for Beethoven to over 85 beats per minute for the fast music. So, if you play fast music it will stress the dog out. But, the calm music is relaxing.
they found salt 1000000 years ago
about 110-120 I think. Check with a pediatrician.
yes. constantly. it's usually found in the beats and bars. most modern music is in 4/4 just count the beats.
Stomata are minute openings in plants
Sinus bradycardia is most common found in athletes. Some of the common symptoms are being light headed, dizziness, hypo-tension, vertigo, and syncope. You are considered to have this if your heart rate is 60 beats per minute or less.
A normal resting heart rate for a dog is typically between 60-140 beats per minute, depending on the size and breed of the dog. Smaller dogs tend to have higher resting heart rates, while larger dogs may have lower rates. If you notice a significant change in your dog's heart rate, it is best to consult a veterinarian.
Euro Latin beats can be found online from many different music focused websites. Some examples of websites that feature Euro Latin beats include Groove Shark and Beat Port.