Easy. The conversion factor is 1.466. So, 70 mph x 1.466 = 102.62 feet per second.
(mph x 1.466 = feet per second). So, 70 mph x 1.466 = 102.62 feet per second.
If you can commit some relationships to memory, it helps. This is one: 60 mph = 88 ft per sec. Divide both sides by 10 --> 6 mph = 8.8 ft per sec. So (600 ft)/(8.8 ft/sec) = 68.182 sec, or 1 minute, 8.182 seconds.
8.5 ft/sec = 8.5*3600/5280 = 5.8 mph (approx)
1. If they trains are traveling away from each other he observes the train at a relative velocity of 112 mph (63 + 49) 2. To get the answer we must multiply the velocity times the time. 3. The hardest part about this problem are the units. 4. Convert mph to feet per sec, then multiply times 4.5 sec to get the answer in feet. Answer= 739.2 feet
1100-1300 ft/sec
60 mph = 88 ft/sec
100 mph is equivalent to approximately 146.67 feet per second.
102.667 feet per second at 70 mph
14 mph = 20.533 ft per sec
40 mph = 58.66... feet per sec
1.466 feet per second = 1 mph 2.933 feet per sec = 2 mph
(mph x 1.466 = feet per second). So, 70 mph x 1.466 = 102.62 feet per second.
60 mph = 88 feet per sec 360/88 x 60 = 245 mph
32 mph = 46.933.. feet per second. 35 feet @ 46.933 feet per sec = 0.746 seconds.
The easiest way is to convert Miles per Hour to Feet per second. I have the following relationship memorized: 60 MPH = 88 Feet/sec.(35 MPH)/(60 MPH)*(88 Ft/sec) = 51 1/3 Ft/sec. So multiply by 1 sec. and you have 51 1/3 Ft, or 51 feet and 4 inches.
60 mph = 88 fps (exactly)
That will depend on the speed you are traveling with. At 60 mph= 88 feet/sec = 9.09 sec = 800 feet at 70 mph= 102 feet/sec =7.84 sec = 800 feet