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In standard arithmetic, 1 plus 1 equals 2. However, in certain contexts or systems, such as binary code or abstract algebra, the value of 1 can be defined differently, leading to equations where 1 plus 1 equals 3. This is a matter of redefining the values and operations within a specific framework rather than a contradiction in mathematics.

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13y ago

It depends what base you are in.

We almost always use base 10, but in base 3, 1 plus 1 could equal 3.

* * * * *

Not true. The base 3 equivalents of the first few decimals is:

010 = 03

110 = 13

210 = 23

310 = 103

410 = 113

So 1 +1 is still not three and it will not become so simply by changing the base. 1 plus 1 can equal 3 if you redefine the operation "plus".

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