all rational numbers can be written as fractions. That is the definition of rational numbers.
Rational numbers can be written as a ratio. They can be named as fractions and/or decimals.
Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.
All the fractions between 0 and 1 are rational numbers
This number is rational - all fractions, including decimal fractions and mixed numbers are rational.
all rational numbers can be written as fractions. That is the definition of rational numbers.
All whole numbers and fractions are rational numbers
Fractions are not integers. They may or may not be rational numbers.
All fractions are rational numbers.
They are called rational numbers that can be expressed as fractions
Any terminating/rational number can be written as a fraction.
Decimal numbers that can be expressed as fractions are rational but decimal numbers that can't be expressed as factions are irrational
Because integers can be written as fractions. Any number that can be written as a fraction is a rational number.
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can not be expressed as fractions.
They are numbers which are written in the form p/q where p and q are integers.
The difference is that rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can not be expressed as fractions.
Yes it is.Rational numbers can be written are fractions. three is a rational number.